I am a guardian to a little girl who isn't my child. And of course, at the end of the movie, out of the blue, she was the mother of the year. Seeing a woman like JLo putting back her dislocated shoulder was hilarious. The background music wasn't solid, the story about bad people going after a teenage girl because they wanted her mother, but they managed to kill a bad-ass CIA agent in a second, did not make any sense. When there was a bit of action with the snow scooters, it lasted not long enough.

The movie was predictable, not exciting at all. Skip making mediocre movies no-one asked for.

I don't know why people who are that rich still bother to make movies. JLo is a beautiful woman, but she is not a bad-ass like Noomy Rapace.Stupid things that made no sense were piling up.Since this one is rated 16 (don't know why) I pre-watched it. I watched Enough, starring JLo, with my 14 yo daughter and we liked that one a lot.