Recovery phrase: If you’ve enabled your recovery phrase, you’ll be able to use it to restore your emails and other encrypted data.Data recovery: Recover your emails and other encrypted files using one of the following two options: Recovery phrase: If you’ve enabled your recovery phrase, you’ll be able to enter your 12-word phrase to reset your password.Recovery phone number: If you’ve given us a mobile phone number, we can send you a text to reset your password.Recovery email: If you’ve provided an email address, we can send a message to that address so you can reset your password.Account recovery: Reset your password using one of the following three options: If you forget your password, you’ll need to take the following two steps to fully recover your Proton Account and encrypted data: To decrypt your emails, contacts, and other encrypted data.To give you access to your Proton Account.Your Proton password is used for two things: Ways to reset your password and recover your emails and other encrypted data What happens if I don’t set any recovery methods?.How to add or change a recovery phone number.


Ways to reset your password and recover your emails and other encrypted data.If you’re a non-private user and you’ve forgotten your password, contact your organization’s administrator for help. Please note that the recovery methods described below are not available to non-private users (new window) in an organization. If you don’t set any way to recover your Proton Account and then forget your password, you’ll lose access to your account and all your existing emails, contacts, and other encrypted files. Proton doesn’t have access to your password, so we can’t reset it for you if you forget or lose your password.